Monday, November 21, 2011

Reduce, Rebuild, Reschedule

The end of the semester is quickly barreling down on us.  I don’t have quite as much to do as usual, but this semester has taught me a lot.  I will definitely be taking a different strategy next semester.  In the next 6 months I need to finish assembling a committee and present my research proposal.  I will still be taking classes.  So I need to make sure not to impale myself on teaching responsibilities again. 

I believe I will be splitting time with both a teaching assistantship and research assistantship.  This will give me plenty of time to focus on class and my proposal.  It is very nice having research funding to fall back on when I need to.  It doesn’t hurt that any research that I do (as long as it is prairie-chicken related) counts toward that assistantship.  I am looking forward to only teaching one section next semester.  Life should be much more normal.

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